
Daadwerkelijke Energieverbruik Meten met “WEii”

Zoals je misschien al weet, heeft de Europese Unie als ambitieus doel om in 2050 het eerste klimaatneutrale continent ter wereld te worden. Deze doelstelling staat centraal in de Europese Green Deal, die streeft naar netto-nul uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Tegen 2030 wil de EU een emissiereductie van 55% bereiken ten opzichte van 1990, en tegen

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Swiss Government Proposes Expansion of Sustainability Reporting Requirements for Businesses

Swiss companies or those affiliated with Swiss companies, beware! You might have to up your reporting game. In June 2024, the Swiss government took a significant step towards enhancing corporate sustainability by launching a consultation on new proposals to expand sustainability reporting requirements for companies. This move aims to align Switzerland’s corporate governance rules with

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Uitgebreidere Duurzaamheidsrapportage Verplicht voor Grote Ondernemingen

De Noodzaak van Energiebeheer en Duurzaamheidsrapportage Grote ondernemingen, zoals beursgenoteerde bedrijven, banken en verzekeraars met meer dan 500 medewerkers, moeten nu voldoen aan de nieuwe Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Deze regelgeving vereist gedetailleerde rapportages over ecologische, sociale en werkgelegenheidsaspecten, mensenrechten en de bestrijding van corruptie en omkoping. Dit biedt inzicht in zowel de impact

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Unexplainably high energy consumption in the Netherlands

Energy efficiency and accurate billing in households are highly valued, particularly at a time when energy conservation is more important than ever. However, for many Dutch households with block heating systems, achieving these goals remains challenging. Recent reports have highlighted a growing concern: unusually high energy consumption readings in homes that share a central heating

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The rising impact of ESG in business deals

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, particularly in the private equity sector, the past decade has marked a notable shift towards integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into core business strategies. This shift, initially predominant in larger corporations and private equity funds, is now increasingly evident in the small and medium-sized business (SMB)

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Unveiling the Complexity of Energy Efficiency Labels in Europe

Check out the summarised version on LinkedIn: In today’s world, sustainability is a topic of paramount importance. However, interpreting energy efficiency labels can be anything but straightforward—particularly in Europe’s culturally diverse landscape. You see, labels often convey different meanings than what we might initially think. Energy efficiency labels provide a striking example. While a

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